
The Counseling Staff

Follow the Summit Counseling Department on . . .

Go Center

Visit our UT & UNT Counselors in the SHS Library for more information on the admissions and financial aid processes.  They will be here on the following days . . . 

  • Days and Times - TBD

Level Change Form

Any student wanting to request a level change either out of or in to an advanced/AP class should stop by the counseling center and pick up a level change form.  These are due back in the counseling center with parent and teacher signatures by Monday, December 18th at 3:00pm. 

Scholarship Opportunities

Here is a scholarship finder provided by The College Board 

Transcript Request

To request your high school transcript, visit the  and then scroll down to "Summit High School" to find the information specific to our campus.

FAQ – Academic Achievement Class Ranking

Click on the FAQ document to learn more about recent policy changes to academic achievement class ranking procedures.