SHS Announcements Aug. 18-20
- Senior Shirts - This first announcement is for the Senior Class. Senior shirts are on sale until Sept. 10th. Senior parking spots are on sale until Sept. 17th. For more information, talk to Ms. A. Johnson or Ms. T. Johnson, your senior class sponsors.
- Student IDs - There have been plenty of questions about Student IDs this year. All students will get their student ID next week through their social studies classes. The first ID is free, and after that the ID is $5.00. So don’t lose it or leave it at home. Once you get your student ID, you have to wear it every day.
- Chromebook Pick Up - New students who have already filled out the technology request form to get a Chromebook will need to see Mr. Weldon during your lunch time on Friday, Mr. Weldon’s office is in the library. If you haven’t filled out the technology request form yet, you will need to do that before you see Mr. Weldon. He cannot give you a Chromebook unless you have filled out the request.
SHS Spirit Night - Plan to come to On the Border in Mansfield this Wednesday night for our first Spirit Night. Let them know you are with Summit and we will receive a portion of the proceeds!
Spirit Day - Thursday is pajama day. So help us "Sleep on the Trojans" by wearing your school appropriate pajamas on that day.